Competitive EVP Assessment

The Higher Mix will assess perceptions of your employer brand by target audience; internal teams, potential talent and candidates, external partners, recruiters, clients even – along with those other crucial stakeholders who are contributing to your brand’s success.


What associations and mental images do stakeholders really have of your company?   How are teams internally, customers and recruiters actually interacting?  Do people understand your company’s vision; what it is endeavouring to achieve?    Communicating strategic intent effectively?    What of the Company values…preached and practiced?   

Employer brand and reputation are key factors in minds of at least 76% of prospective employees, which makes our EVP specialists (and research teams) equally concerned with the Reputational constructs, as with the Brand ones.

Gap Analysis

The Higher Mix gap provides you with knowledge and understanding of just how the business is being perceived (internal and external perspectives).

Measure, analyse a wide range of attributes and constructs, for much more reliable, accurate information about your operations, performance, team perspectives and perceptions – a more complete picture of current employee experience, EVP attributes and culture.

We help you pinpoint all the wonderful elements which make your organization so appealing (and different) – andwhile we’re at it, identify unknown (future) needs of your people; how these are affecting the way they work across internal systems, technology, and processing which might be hampering the employee life cycle, work …hence their motivations.


  • Discovery, scoping – understand company strategy, goals/ broader talent and skills objectives
  • Quant and Qual analysis framework basis for a stronger, purposeful employer brand
  • Reveal attributes and drivers; employer attractiveness, talent management; EVP engagement drivers
  • Current workforce perceptions (reality of team environment), value, pain-points
  • Current state; employer reputation (stakeholder viewpoints)
  • Two-way conversations with target audiences:  recruiters, clients, leaders and teams
  • Gap analysis, advanced mapping techniques to counter a range of issues
  • Unravel decision process stages of target groups; requirements; talent appeal, consideration, awareness, actions
  • Realistic understanding of ‘who we are’; how the company is perceived as an employer; and changes required
  • Plot, analyse employee life-cycle, candidate experiences (data points, identify potential EVP territories)
  • Review company management practices, processes
  • Assess competitor positioning; review narratives
  • Extensive desk research (review, advice on company evidence, survey methodologies, data)
  • Establish employer brand metrics and project KPIs.













The Higher Mix will assess perceptions of your employer brand by target audience; internal teams, potential talent and candidates, external partners, recruiters, clients even – along with those other crucial stakeholders who are contributing to your brand’s success.


What associations and mental images do stakeholders really have of your company?   How are teams internally, customers and recruiters actually interacting?  Do people understand your company’s vision; what it is endeavouring to achieve?    Communicating strategic intent effectively?    What of the Company values…preached and practiced?   

Employer brand and reputation are key factors in minds of at least 76% of prospective employees, which makes our EVP specialists (and research teams) equally concerned with the Reputational constructs, as with the Brand ones.

Gap Analysis

The Higher Mix gap provides you with knowledge and understanding of just how the business is being perceived (internal and external perspectives).

Measure, analyse a wide range of attributes and constructs, for much more reliable, accurate information about your operations, performance, team perspectives and perceptions – a more complete picture of current employee experience, EVP attributes and culture.

We help you pinpoint all the wonderful elements which make your organization so appealing (and different) – andwhile we’re at it, identify unknown (future) needs of your people; how these are affecting the way they work across internal systems, technology, and processing which might be hampering the employee life cycle, work …hence their motivations.


  • Discovery, scoping – understand company strategy, goals/ broader talent and skills objectives
  • Quant and Qual analysis framework basis for a stronger, purposeful employer brand
  • Reveal attributes and drivers; employer attractiveness, talent management; EVP engagement drivers
  • Current workforce perceptions (reality of team environment), value, pain-points
  • Current state; employer reputation (stakeholder viewpoints)
  • Two-way conversations with target audiences:  recruiters, clients, leaders and teams
  • Gap analysis, advanced mapping techniques to counter a range of issues
  • Unravel decision process stages of target groups; requirements; talent appeal, consideration, awareness, actions
  • Realistic understanding of ‘who we are’; how the company is perceived as an employer; and changes required
  • Plot, analyse employee life-cycle, candidate experiences (data points, identify potential EVP territories)
  • Review company management practices, processes
  • Assess competitor positioning; review narratives
  • Extensive desk research (review, advice on company evidence, survey methodologies, data)
  • Establish employer brand metrics and project KPIs.