Employer Branding

Full-Service Employer Branding
Evaluation, Strategy, Delivery & Optimisation.

Providers of cost-effective, end-to-end employer brand/EVP imperatives which drive awareness, engagement and convert key audiences to the Brand.

We partner with organisations to introduce ways to appeal authentically to prized talent, by introducing full-scale, or modularised Employer Brand, in an exciting co-design process with you.  

Rely on THM’s decades of brand strategy experience, our Living-Systems approach, coupled with latest best-practice employer brand support tools and materials, to deliver a strategic project (read: driven by your people and culture…)  Not overly creative EVP comms creative exercise – which can often fall flat.   We move our clients well beyond just churning out an Employee Value Proposition.)

Employer Branding Snapshot.


Approaching EVP development as a cultural exercise, remains our key difference, to other “employer branding” agencies.

Investing time to truly understand your business, company goals, workforce planning, people strategy, touchpoints, technology, and recruitment needs – in other words, the entire talent gambit (processes/ practices currently you use to identify / source / engage / keep talent.)  With such a thorough understanding; also identifying the gaps (ways companies currently develop, retain or rewards the Workforce too.) Showing you how to analyse and guide upgrades to critical touch-points that may be hindering achievement of an enhanced candidate experience 

Helping you reshape company reputation when necessary, to give the business fresh positioning while engaging directly with your teams and managers internally to anchor the refreshed EVP.

Employer Branding supports Higher-Functioning Human Capabilities.
Communicate Embed EVP The Higher Mix

Strategic employer branding examines the broadest range of elements of the “deal” to both your internal teams and potential talent.  Engages with your own people to improve culture, at the same time.


Businesses of all maturity levels can benefit from an extraordinary EVP and prosper by more favourable positioning in prevailing labour market conditions.  Makes it easier (and far cheaper) to attract, recruit, retain quality people and build talent pools.   Do Employer Branding well and this should give your talent teams greater flexibility to target/ find/source key employee groups (high performers, critical skills team-members, high potentials etc).

To this end, THM shows companies how to craft EVP strategy; and necessary road-maps for compelling company stories, deeper access and engagement with skilled talent; notwithstanding increasing levels of discretionary effort you are seeing from existing team/s.