Optimise Project Portfolios

Building portfolio and PMO capabilities

Portfolio Optimisation

  • We help companies achieve portfolio optimisation; find the best combination of projects to deliver with the resources that you do have (capital, human, content or other.) With our eye on efficiencies, we run scenarios with the portfolio to understand what your company can do, in each financial period, choosing which projects continue, accelerate, delay or finish all together. 

Ideation and Innovation Pathways 

  • Projects born from ideas but that all starts with people.  We guide organisations to foster new ideas and/or improve, innovate across existing systems and projects.

Portfolio Strategy and Lifecycle Definition 

  • What are the things your organisation could do?  What does your business want to achieve with its portfolio?  Objectives most important to reaching your goals?  How do you want to manage people and investments?   Are your projects / initiatives delivering on the company's vision in the most optimal of ways? Project phases - how many? Sequential (gated) or Iterative (agile). 

Project Proposals and Prioritization

  • When any project readies to officially join the portfolio (as candidate project being considered) - how do you capture the more important inputs, information?  Along with communicating value of doing the project vs. impact of not doing it?  
  • Our consortium's structured approach to prioritization allows companies to get clear about those projects that can and will deliver big value returns.   Of all those potential projects on the list > which ones should you do?  How are you weighing off, working to variety of metrics like value, strategic fit, growth, safety improvement, risk reduction, processes etc?  

Governance & Approvals  

  • How do you know you're ready to make a decision?  Trust in the quality of the estimate or schedule?  How does each project benchmark against others?  Who's reviewed the project?   Could you be simplifying funding requests / approvals processes and tracking KPIs and baselines more clearly?

Portfolio Monitoring and Control  

  • How are you pulling together all the data, information and people/skills you need?  Which projects require the real attention?  Are there projects actually being duplicated inside the business right now and people aren't even aware of it?  Do you fully understand the effect all these projects are having on the bottom line?   Right now, how are you getting early warnings / lead indicators of performance?   Drilling down into detail?  Together, with our AI consortium partner, activities like those above can be made remarkably simple.

Benefits Tracking   

  • Comparisons to the original business case?  Is the business getting those results it expected from the project?  How can you the next project better?  

Helping customers achieve portfolio optimisation and get far more control over their portfolios.